a black and white portrait of Umberto Rustichelli
Welcome to the homepage of Umberto Rustichelli aka Ubi


:: contact / e-mail: lists@rustichelli.net

name .................................... Umberto Rustichelli alias ................................... Ubi favourite operating system .............. Linux favourite programming languages ......... C, PHP oddities ................................ my personal site is never finished

Curriculum viate in brief (and not up-to-date, actually may years old!)

Accedere qui per il curriculum dettagliato (PDF)

I'm graduated in Computing Engineering in the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and presently work as an IT consultant for GT50 s.r.l. in Rome but I'm available for additional "spot" jobs.
My main interests/tasks are are:

C/C++ programmer under Unix (Sun, AIX, Linux) and Windows 3.1, 95, NT, with or without GUI. I developed some (TCP/IP net) client-server application and used MFC to code a graphic interface for the manipulation of entity-relationship schemas.

Sun/SunOS and Linux O.S. manager, IP net manager mainly in Unix environment, webmaster (Apache, Stronghold).

I'm responsable for part of the security procedures in the net, those regarding SSL, cryptography, setup, coding and administration of a Certification Authority.

PSL (Patrol Script Language) programmer and Patrol operator.

I wrote for the Italian magazine COMPUTER SHOPPER (Unix/Linux monthly article (IT)) and sometimes for the magazine inter.net; plus often translate technical articles to/from English.

Varie, cianfrusaglie, avanzi e pagine poco curate

A little big collection of Linux links
And finally, what REALLY matters in life? To avoid you all a stressful search for the answer, I have placed it here

mailbox You can write me here

Queste pagine sono state realizzate utilizzando esclusivamente Linux
These pages have been developed exclusively under Linux